1. What is your puppet show about? (5-8 sentences)
Our puppet show is about the exploration of Jacques Cartier.
There are 2 parts of the puppet show and all these are about Cartier's exploration in Canada.
The first part is about many sailors died because of the scurvy so Domagaya helped them with vitamin-c-spruce tea and needles to saved many lives.The second part is about the Cartier met Donnacona at the first time, Donnacona was very passionate to greet them. Cartier wanted to trade with him but Donnacona disagreed, so Cartier kidnapped his two sons.
2. Who are the characters? Which student is the voice of the character?
There are Jacques Cartier, Donnacona, Domagaya, Sailor, Narrator in our puppet show.
Helen Zheng is the voice of Jacques Cartier, Peter Meng is the voice of the Donnacona,
Catherine Wu is the voice of the Domagaya, Nancy Ju is the voice of the Sailor and Narrator1,
and Heaven Wen is the extra voice of the Narrator.
3. What did you learn from making the puppet show? (3-5 sentences)
We learned a lot from making this puppet show. At the begin, actually I didn't know about
this story at all but I learned a lot about him and lots of new words after making the puppet show. But the most important thing is I learned how to work well with group members, we had no enough time to working on the puppet show on everyday so all members were very tired and busy, we had to understand each other, then we worked pretty well. Anyway this project helped
a lot for learning about the European's exploration and for learning about the teamwork.
4. What do you want me to notice when I am marking your puppet show? (3-5 sentences)
It was a pretty nice project, and I learned a lot from this project.
I wanted to work perfectly but it wasn't really easy to get perfect because
we got too less time to working on the puppet show (maybe it was enough time for others..),
some materials for making puppet show were too difficult to find for us , also it was very hard
to make the puppets for us..(it was pretty high level!)
Btw, this project was really nice and interesting! I learned so much from this, Thank you!
5. Did your group work well together? Tell me 3 reasons why or why not.
Our group members worked very well together, we divided and prepared the materials for the puppet show so we could made the puppets well. We drew the backgrounds for the puppet show
at my home on sunday even though all we were so busy and having other schedules.
some members were strong at the story, some members were strong at the drawing and some members were strong at the making the puppets , so we helped each other then finished the puppet show very well.
Bonus- Post a picture of your puppet show on your blog.
What is the fur trade?

Find and post 5 pictures of the fur trade. Explain what you see in each picture in 5-8 sentences. (Remember to post where you got the picture from!)

I can see that Europeans and the Native Americans are traiding furs and their supplies in this picture.Native Americans traded furs for supplies at places.
The fur trade was a booming business in North America from the 1500s through the 1800s.
Europeans traded with Native Americans when they settled in North America.
The Native Americans gave European settlers furs for exchange to weapons, metals and other goods.

I can see there is a fur trader trading guns to the Native Americans for furs.
And also can see a longhouse. That is decorated with paintings and set amid totems.
I guess this place is in North America because the longhouse used by some Native Americans
and Native Canadian. We can know that Native American's furs are nice from here.

This is a picture of fur trade in saskatchewan.
I can see those 4 people are bringing lots of fur of animals.
And over there, some people are bringing their supplies.
We can know that they are traiding furs and their supplies from this picture.

The fur trade in North America began with the earliest contacts between the Iroquois and Europeans.Fur traders offered the Iroquois trade goods such as irons, knives, axes, awls, fish hooks, clothes,blankets, linen shirts, brass kettles,jewelry, glass beads, guns and powder.
The Iroquois were eager to have these goods so they traded with furs.
The beaver furs were the foundation of the trade, and Iroquois traded otter, mink, fox, bear and deer for price with Europeans.
This picture shows that 2 people are trading with fur and alcohol.
Alcohol was an important and permanent part of the trade.
The man on the left side, bringing a bottle of alcohol and the man on the
right side, he's bringing animal fur. I can guess the man who is on the right side
is Indian tribe and alcohol was very important for Indian tribes from this picture.
They are traiding furs and their supplies.
I found all of pictures on Google website.
My week

I was soooooooooooooooooo busy and tired on this week
cause I had too many things to work on and finish.
I started to take my HSK(a.k.a 汉语水平考试) class since Monday and
It was sooo hard for me and has lots of homework!!God!!!!!
I always back to home at about 10 o'clock and I had no time to finish my
homework, also I missed lots of English10 classes on this week (I'm so sorry to Ms.Chan;( )
I think I learned many things at school or HSK class..Whatever,
but actually I can not remember at all about those..cause I am too busy.
Anyway,today is Friday finally and weekend is coming soon!!!
I have to take rest on weekend and prepare for my next week!
Have a nice weekend you guys~~~~~~~~~~~~~

About John Cabot
1. Two pictures of John Cabot.
John Cabot is on the center of picture.
6. When John Cabot reached Newfoundland's Grand Banks, he was surprised to find the large supply of cod. Watch this video clip.
1. What does his ship "Mathew" look like?
I found these two pictures on Google website.

This picture shows John Cabot landing on the Shores of Labrador.
He looks very commanding in this picture. And he's waving a flag.
John Cabot is on the center of picture.
He has little bit white-long hair and looks not very young.
He wears nice clothes which figured with yellow color on red background.
He is shaking hands with a man in this picture.
2. 10 facts (real information) about John Cabot.
1. "John Cabot" is also known as "Giovanni Caboto" in Italy .
2. He was a great Italian navigator and explorer.
3. He was probably born in Genoa, Italy about in 1450, but he moved to Venice and that is
where he most likely learned to sail.
4. He decided to call himself John Cabot, the "English" version of his name.
5. Matthew is a name of his ship and he made his first voyage to North America in 1497.He
had a crew of 18 men.
6. He sailed northwest, through the stormy Atlantic Ocean, and eventually came to North
America. He sailed along the coast, past Labrador, Newfoundland, and New England. He
claimed the land he found for England.
7. King Henry VII was pleased with his efforts and granted Cabot a pension of 20 pounds a year.
8. In 1498, Cabot wanted to return to find "Japan," so he organized another expedition.
9. He took four or five ships and about 300 men and left Bristol in June of 1498. No one
knows for certain what happened to this expedition, but it may have sailed from Greenland
southward towards Chesapeake Bay in North America.
10. Cabot had to return to England because he was running out of supplies, and he died soon
after returning.
3. Why is he important to Canadian history?
He found Newfoundland, so he is very important to Canadian history.
4. Why did he leave Europe?
He leaved Europe because for find a sea route in Asia.
5. What happened to John Cabot?
He took four to five ships and about 300 men and left Bristol in June of 1498. No one knows for certain what happened to this expedition, but it may have sailed from Greenland southward towards Chesapeake Bay in North America.
2. 10 facts (real information) about John Cabot.
1. "John Cabot" is also known as "Giovanni Caboto" in Italy .
2. He was a great Italian navigator and explorer.
3. He was probably born in Genoa, Italy about in 1450, but he moved to Venice and that is
where he most likely learned to sail.
4. He decided to call himself John Cabot, the "English" version of his name.
5. Matthew is a name of his ship and he made his first voyage to North America in 1497.He
had a crew of 18 men.
6. He sailed northwest, through the stormy Atlantic Ocean, and eventually came to North
America. He sailed along the coast, past Labrador, Newfoundland, and New England. He
claimed the land he found for England.
7. King Henry VII was pleased with his efforts and granted Cabot a pension of 20 pounds a year.
8. In 1498, Cabot wanted to return to find "Japan," so he organized another expedition.
9. He took four or five ships and about 300 men and left Bristol in June of 1498. No one
knows for certain what happened to this expedition, but it may have sailed from Greenland
southward towards Chesapeake Bay in North America.
10. Cabot had to return to England because he was running out of supplies, and he died soon
after returning.
3. Why is he important to Canadian history?
He found Newfoundland, so he is very important to Canadian history.
4. Why did he leave Europe?
He leaved Europe because for find a sea route in Asia.
5. What happened to John Cabot?
He took four to five ships and about 300 men and left Bristol in June of 1498. No one knows for certain what happened to this expedition, but it may have sailed from Greenland southward towards Chesapeake Bay in North America.
6. When John Cabot reached Newfoundland's Grand Banks, he was surprised to find the large supply of cod. Watch this video clip.
7. Watch this clip. What did you learn from the video clip? Write 5-8 sentences.
1. What does his ship "Mathew" look like?
I found these two pictures of John Cabot's ship,Mathew, on Google website.
Why I love my Viking Ship?

I love this picture of Viking Ship, because
1. It looks similar as my Viking Ship model.
2. It looks very simple, but it is a perfect Viking Ship model.
3. It looks so cute, like a toy, I love it.
4. I like the sail of Viking Ship, it looks nice and like a real one.
5. I like the dragon's head at front side, it's nice and looks not that scary.
Mar.17.09' [Thanks Diary]

1. Thanks for I could sleep well with nice soft quilt on last night.
2. Thanks for my family that gave me their smile faces when I just got up.
3. Thanks for today's clear sky that God-given.
4. Thanks for I've got a piano that I could play freely whenever I want to play.
5. Thanks for my teachers, they gave me lots of homeworks so I could review and study hard.
Mar.13.09' [Thanks Diary]

1. Thanks for my mom that she cooks my lunch for me on everyday.
2. Thanks for Mr.Subway driver that he took me to the school quickly.
3. Thanks for my dear Helen, she handed me water when I parched with thirst.
4. Thanks for Ms.Chan, she prepared materials for us when we were making the Viking Ship.
5. Thanks for my classmates that helped me to have a exciting school life.
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